Friday, July 10, 2009

What a Lovely Day!

Today was an abbreviated but satisfying day at the beach. I took an extra-long lunch break and made it down to Black's. I met a few of the Black's Beach Bares, and a wonderful couple from Arizona. My stay was short - I spent just an hour and a half there - but it was absolutely terrific, if a bit warmer than it's been. I'm still on a high from it.

Today, as I lay on the sand, I was thinking about how I'd like my life to be. I realized that it's really close to where I want it to be, it just needs a little tweaking. I think we spend too much of our time worrying about what's wrong, instead of enjoying what's right. This trip to Black's is a good example - I could have fretted about not being able to be there for the whole day, but instead I enjoyed the time I did spend there. The calmness to see things clearly comes from meditation, which I really should start practicing regularly, or from being a nudist. Lying on Black's, or sitting at the water's edge as it washes over me, is truly a meditative experience!

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